
Sometimes requirements of the company go beyond the standard fundamental possibilities of the program. That's when OneSoft offers an individual approach, more precisely - configuration developer service.

Who is the configuration developer?

Configuration developer is a specialist who can adjust the program to your requirements as a result of various modifications in the program code.

Besides the fact that the software features a number of important functions for effective planning, accounting, control and analysis, based on your request, our team is ready to implement additional modules, to create a new functions for the software, to integrate with other systems you need and many more.

After you tell us your requirements we share our accumulated knowledge and experience with you.

Based on the fact that our configuration developers have worked on many nonstandard and individual tasks, we can offer you the best standard and individual accounting systems that will be maximally suited for your business processes.

In order to understand better what additional software works mean, we give you a small list:

  • Creating individual reports
  • Creating individual printing forms
  • Adapting software visuals to the company's requirements
  • Making certain modifications to the standard functionality of the software